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  • Writer's pictureGail

Hippity Hoppity Bunny Tails

Easter, as most holidays this year was just our family. Setting the table and cooking for four is just as fun and we had a feast! Hubby and I started on Saturday with a Eastery table - just the two of us.

Fiesta has so many beautiful shades of yellow, these are Sunflower and Daffodil, the berry bowl is Rose. I have had the napkins, a Ralph Lauren print in light green for at least 30 years, I have never used them until this table... I had matching sheets and comforter, so they were on my nightstands I think. I am not sure if this makes me thrifty or a pack rat! It's Saturday morning in the picture and I always watch Pioneer Woman on Saturday!

I love love love setting Easter tables, the pastels colors, the flowers, so pretty! I didn't take a lot of pictures, must have been a brain fart... Hubby's mother had Franciscan Desert Rose china and his sister gave me several place settings of it, I've added to it thrifting several pieces. If you've read this blog at all, you know I love the California Pottery Franciscan and have several patterns.

I kept the table very informal with the pastel polka dot table cloth and woven place mats. Cranberry glass bread and butter plates and a berry bowl finished the plate stack. I filled a bowl with glitter eggs from the Dollar Store, they echo the colors of the polka dots in the table cloth.

The real stars of Easter were the Italian Sweet Breads and stuffed artichokes I made. Hubby's family is Sicilian and the recipes came from an Italian American cooking group I am in on Facebook.

The artichoke is stuffed with breadcrumbs and pecorino cheese, a Meyer lemon slice on top, so yummy! The recipe for the sweet bread made 6 individual loafs, however, our littlest dog, Pattycakes, jumped up on the chair and stole one! I heard something drop in the dining room and saw her running across the living room with it in her mouth! Easter dinner was ham, scalloped potatoes and fresh asparagus in addition to the goodness above.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

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