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  • Writer's pictureGail

Halloween cat! Me-WOW!

When witches go riding

and black cats are seen

The moon laughs and whispers

Tis near Halloween!

Initially I wasn't too fond of the Fiesta Halloween decals... I love the skeleton plate, I bought the ghosts so I had a pair and then the Halloween Black Cats came out! I love the vintage feel of the decal and the fact that it is on Poppy, one of my favorite colors, MeWOW!

I debated using Lilac for the under plate or Chartreuse... the napkins decided it, Chartreuse it was! I double layered the placemats, the pumpkin placemats are from the Dollar Store and the orange on the green echo the plate stack. Who knew the pottery in the background on the shelves pick up the same colors?!

The skeleton cat, a Lemongrass vase and Persimmon tri-pod candle holders complete the table. I love the way colors all came together!

The little runner under the flowers is a penny rug candle holder I made from a kit I bought on Etsy. It was my Covid "keep your hands busy" project. Next up are felted Christmas ornaments, but that is another holiday and another tablesetting!

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