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  • Writer's pictureGail

10,000 Shades of Green

There is a saying that Ireland is made up of 10,000 shades of green and it's true! We've traveled to Ireland twice and the colors of the countryside and the ocean are truly breathtaking. In June of 2019 hubby and bestie and her hubby and I spent 10 days in Ireland. We rented a car and drove over 1400 miles through Ireland and Northern Ireland. This picture was taken on the Slea Head Drive, heading into Coumeenole. In the distance are the Blasket Islands.

While I am fairly certain I don't have a drop of Irish blood in me, I love Ireland and someday we will visit it again! So, in celebration of St. Patrick's Day here is my table which is an ode to 10,000 shades of green of Fiesta!

#1 son helped take pictures, it is a benefit that he is tall, I love the wide angle he took of the dining room and living room together. The living room helps to add to the shades of green.

A few weeks ago I was at our local antique store and found this beautiful woven table cloth in white and green, it came with 6 napkins. I laundered it to brighten it up and ironed it with starch. I love ironing table clothes, there is something so therapeutic about it. #1 Son and pulled all of the greens of the Fiesta out of the cabinet to set the table.

Chartreuse, Lemongrass, Sage, Meadow and of course, Shamrock! The tall vase is Seamist.

The plates are sitting on a felt Shamrock from the Dollar Store and the napkins are the matching napkins layered on another green napkin from Pier One. The napkin rings came from the local garden center in the Christmas clearance basket! I am not sure if they are candle rings or napkin rings, but they work! The glasses are my Noritake Breeze ice tea glasses in green, the color is so pretty and they complement so many tables.

I love pixies, elves, gnomes and other magical faerie folk. For St. Patrick's Day they come out to hide gold from the boys (although they are now young men!)

They adorn the table, the buffet, the fireplace mantel and the foyer console.

A traditional Irish Blessing to leave you with:

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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